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Emergency Food Relief in Ethiopia

During the coronavirus pandemic, Ethiopia continues to remain shut down. The government ordered for school closures, no public gatherings, and non-essential workers to remain home. Lelt's Community Centers have been shuttered because of this ordinance, which has caused an incredible hardship for our communities. Our students aren't receiving an education because most homes don't have computers, or even electricity, so there is no possibility of a virtual classroom. Our parents are not able to work, and therefore not able to supply food or necessities for their family. The Ethiopian government does not have unemployment assistance programs so civilians are struggling greatly. To assist our communities during this crisis, Lelt Foundation has been providing emergency food rations and household necessities to all of our families every two weeks. Supplies are difficult to acquire and we've experienced price gouging. But the good news is our families have this basic assistance during the pandemic, when businesses and schools remain closed.

The safety of our team and community is top priority so we are providing food distribution to our communities in shifts to avoid congestion and to maintain social distancing. In addition, we are using PPE – face masks and gloves – and providing hand sanitizer to the community as they collect their rations.

This is a difficult time for many. Lelt has created the food relief program to ensure that Ethiopian families have the most basic needs through this unprecedented time.

Support our Food Relief program - 100% of donations go directly to families in need.

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