Eyob is 6 years old and in 1st grade at Repi Primary School in Karakore, Ethiopia. He has 1 sibling, and his favorite subject in school is recess. He wants to be a soccer star when he grows up.
Eyob's mother, Lamrot, has had a lot of difficulty in her short life. When she was 6 years old she was taken out of school in southern Ethiopian to move to her uncle's home in Addis Ababa. He did not treat her as family, but instead made her a domestic servant. After a decade of living like this, she ran away. Lamrot had no place to go so she moved in with a man named Bekele. Shortly after she arrived, she became pregnant, and Bekele left because he did not want to raise a child. Lamrot married again, had another child, and this family of four is living on her new husband's low wages from being a part time guard. This family is living in crisis. If Eyob is sponsored for $35/month, he will receive daily meals, after school tutoring, and basic medical care. If his family is sponsored for an additional $15 a month, they will all receive monthly food rations and medical care, and his parents will be given priority to enroll in our Family Business Program, where she will be empowered to start their own small business and earn an income.

Food, Clothes, School Fees, School Uniform and Supplies
Academic Tutoring, Medical Care, Computer Classes, Trauma Counseling

Complete CHILD Sponsorship benefits + extra care for their entire family
Food Rations, Medical Care, Employment & Vocational Programs, Micro-Loans for Small Businesses